I got this idea from a friend who started "a month of gratitude" on
Facebook - every day she would post what she was grateful for that
day. I believe in being grateful for all the wonderful people and
things in my life so I'm going to do the same starting today. This ongoing blog post is dedicated to Joan who started me on this path of gratitude.......
31 December
This is my final post of my 10 months of gratitude. Sometimes it's been difficult to find the time to update this list but I persevered and looking back I am reminded of all the wonderful things in my life. Often we focus on everything that is going wrong in our lives (and there's always stuff going wrong) and we battle to see the wood for the trees. This post has really opened my eyes to what is good in my life - my friends and family and of course my wonderful hubby have come up often in my daily posts and I realise how blessed I am to be living the life I live, in this beautiful country, surrounded by such wonderful, caring people. It gives me a really different perspective looking back at my year and only seeing the positives!
Today I am grateful that I have 3 gorgeous, healthy children, a loving husband and everything I could ever wish for and in my "Book of LIfe" I have only recorded the good stuff!
30 December
Went to the Garden of Lights at Emperor's Palace
Today I am grateful that I felt the Christmas spirit
29 December
Braai at my brother
Today I am grateful that I have such a great family
28 December
Date night!!
Today I am grateful to my sister-in-law for babysitting while we got some time out
27 December
Lunch with 2 "old" school friends
Today I am grateful for Facebook that has brought us back together for some fabulous conversations
26 December
So tired!
Today I am grateful that my family took the girls swimming
25 December
Father Christmas was here!
Today I am grateful that I was able to bring such joy to my childern's faces
24 December
Christmas dinner at my house
Today I am grateful that we could all get together enjoy Christmas
23 December
Dorothy and the family arrived
Today I am grateful that the Aussie family could make it to us for Christmas
22 December
Today I am grateful for Aroma's coffee
21 December
Hubby on leave
Today I am grateful that Hubby's life will be a little less-stressed
20 December
Playdate at my house
Today I am grateful for good friends
19 December
Put up the tree
Today I am grateful for music, love and laughter
18 December
Play date
Today I am grateful that I'M ON HOLIDAY!!
17 December
Brunch at Aroma, shopping at Design Quarter and Monte for dinner
Today I am grateful that I got some Christmas shopping done
16 December
My nieces turn 2 today
Today I am grateful that my sister is able to enjoy the wonderment of motherhood. Happy Birthday girls!
15 December
My mom came to visit
Today I am grateful that my mom still helps me soo much
14 December
Afternoon with a buddy at Aroma
Today I am grateful for wonderful friends and orgasmic salads
13 December
I surprised hubby with a Mac Mini
Today I am grateful that the law of attraction actually works!
12 December
Breakfast with 2 friends (without my BLT)
Today I am grateful for my wonderful life
11 December
Prawns with hubby
Today I am grateful for awesome evenings
10 December
Set the final supp paper today
Today I am grateful that my leave is actually starting
9 December
Hubby took the kids
Today I am grateful that I could finish marking papers and submit them
8 December
Garry's birthday
Today I am grateful for the support system that we have in place to look after our brood so that we are able to go out with a friend on his birthday
7 December
Playdate with a friend who emigrated to Australia
Today I am grateful for strong bonds that don't perish
6 December
Tomato is bakerlady tomorrow
Today I am grateful that we got to bake cupcakes and ice them together. Both Tomato and Bacon had a ball
5 December
Christmas Carols at Bacon's school - adorable
Today I am grateful for my beautiful Bacon who performed like a star!
4 December
Dinner with our newest friends
Today I am grateful that we have met such awesome people who I know will be our friends for a long, long time.
3 December
Work at the factory
Today I am grateful that I have a job that I love
2 December
Little Lettuce took his first real steps today
Today I am grateful that I can watch this little person develop. I am grateful to be his mom
1 December
Hubby was working
Today I am grateful to Mema who came to help me with BLT while hubby was away
30 November
Afternoon at Aroma
Today I am grateful that I have such great friends who make me want to spend the whole day with them!
29 November
Work and gradulation
Today I am grateful that Grandpa picked up the girls and I got to finish my work. Also loved watching Tomato graduating.
28 November
Tomato and I went to the ophthalmologist
Today I am grateful that her glasses and patching is working. Her eye is almost at 100% woohoo
27 November
Hubby took the day off sick
Today I am grateful that after a relaxing day, he is on the mend
26 November
Hubby has an abcess in his ear
Today I am grateful that he got home safely after not feeling so great in the traffic
25 November
Swimming demonstration and certificates
Today I am grateful that my girls are swimming so well and that water safety is within reach
24 November
Yvonne's childrens' party
Today I am grateful that I didn't get water thrown over my head from the sagging gazebo (hee hee)
23 November
Aroma Cafe
Today I am grateful that my friends have such an awesome oasis in the middle of Fourways
22 November
Had a great meeting.
Today I am grateful for the high I get from gettting a project going and adding to the final outcome
21 November
I have had such an interesting project that culminated in the final report today, tomorrow I present.
Today I am grateful for all the opportunities that Aspen have given me and the fun I've had completing the work. Love it!!
20 November
Had such a huge headache
Today I am grateful for Myprodol and hubby who looked after me
19 November
Got my aircon fixed
Today I am grateful for AIRCON!!!!!
18 November
Today I am grateful that I didn't have to worry about anything. Everything was sorted while I worked.
17 November
Today I am grateful for my hubby the babysitter. 3 Kids is no mean feat!
16 November
Coffee with a long-lost friend
Today I am grateful that I can reconnect with friends and enjoy the flexibility of my job
15 November
Hubby's birthday
Today I am grateful that we can celebrate in style
14 November
Today I am grateful to be able to take my girls swimming and to watch the excitement on their faces
13 November
Dinner with Y
Today I am grateful for a hubby who wants the TV to himself, so will babysit on demand and for a great friend with whom to share strawberry daquiris and sushi - yum!
12 November
Love love love Bubbly chocolate
Today I am grateful that it was on special!
11 November
Home sweet home
Today I am grateful for my wonderful family (and Top Deck cake)
10 November
Research went well
Today I am grateful that I got to see more of this beautiful country I live in
9 November
Baking with the girls
Today I am grateful that we could have fun in the kitchen
8 NovemberRain
Today I am grateful for the wonderful clean smell that the rain brings
7 November
Tomato back at the Dermatologist
Today I am grateful for ice-cream and being able to help a friend who has helped me
6 November
Dinner at Monte
Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby who holds down the fort so I can help out a friend
5 November
Invigilating exams
Today I am grateful that there are no more lectures for the year - woohoo!
4 November
Business trip continued
Today I am grateful for a good session and a safe return to my wonderful family
3 November
Business trip
Today I am grateful that I travelled safely and that I got to run in the sea. Also for my friends who helped hubby with the kids the whole day.
2 November
Aroma Cafe
Today I am grateful for great food, great friends and great fun
1 November
Dinner with K
Today I am grateful that hubby is happy to look after the tots while I have yummy dinner with my friend
31 October
Today I am grateful for big hugs from little arms
30 October
Got keys to a friends place
Today I am grateful that I have such supportive people around me. This allowed me to hide out from the hail and not be so stressed on a Tuesday
29 October
Today I am grateful that Tomato's eczema is so much better
28 October
Dot-the-domestic took BLT to Sunday School for the first time
Today I am grateful for such a kind, loving soul as Dot
27 October
Today I am grateful for great friends and Amarula and the rain holding up for a few trick or treats
26 October
Party in the Park for Ta
Today I am grateful that I could get some work done while BLT were having a blast
25 October
Tomato showed me how to make "fireworkds"
Today I am grateful that I have such a gorgeous little scientist
24 October
Went to Monte with friends
Today I am grateful for fun that takes your mind off reality
23 October
Tomato had root canal and a tooth filled under anaesthetic
Today I am grateful for the awesome staff and that Tomato came through unscathed and had a great experience
22 October
Staying at my mom tonight because it's close to the clinic
Today I am grateful that I still have my mom in my and my children's lives
21 October
Had a blessing and birthday party for Lettuce
Today I am grateful that I had all my good friends and family under one roof
20 October
Kiddy party
Today I am grateful that I got to watch my girls have so much fun on the water-slide
19 October
My beautiful baby boy turned 1 today
Today I am grateful that he has been such a joy to our whole family and the easiest baby EVER! I feel so blessed. I'm grateful that my mom and friends came to share the day, I'm grateful that I could get him a great present, I'm grateful that we lit candles and I am grateful to have wonderful people in my life who will also share the joys of Lettuce's life
18 October
I felt a positive shift within me
Today I am grateful for the ability to re-design my life to serve me better. I am also grateful for great friends, new restaurants, fine wine and good steak!
17 October
Shopping with the girls
Today I am grateful to be able to spend such fun-filled days with my girls
16 October
Had a hectic, hectic day
Today I am grateful for my long-suffering husband, musical fountains and HUGE chocolate chip cookies
15 October
Shopping for the blessing
Today I am grateful that I found the perfect outfit for my beautiful little Lettuce
14 October
Took a friend out to breakfast for his birthday and loaned him a cell phone for his daughter
Today I am grateful that I could take time out to help a friend and then spend a wonderful afternoon with my family at a VERY relaxing spot
13 October
Went to a kiddy party
Today I am grateful for a great party, my wonderful friends and the wonderful SA weather to be able to chat until late, for my wonderful hubby and his best friend (hubby number 2) for babysitting Lettuce-the-Launchpad and for preparing the great spread that I came home to - ribs, kebabs, potato bake and steamed veg. Boy I'm spoiled!
12 October
Rainy day
Today I am grateful that I could snuggle up and watch a movie while the rain poured outside
11 October
Spent an hour instant messaging a friend
Today I am grateful that modern technology can allow me to LMAO over chat
10 October
Had fun
Today I am grateful that I can still laugh at life
9 October
Today I am grateful to Granny and Grampa for a sleep over
8 October
Today I am grateful for Tomato and Bacon's swimming lessons
7 October
Monte Bird Gardens
Today I am grateful to have a friend with a gold card
6 October
Today I am grateful that Lettuce's antibiotics are finished
5 October
No lectures
Today I am grateful for holidays!
4 October
Date Night!
Today I am grateful that hubby and I can still go out to a comedy club and laugh and cuddle and enjoy the live band - good evening
3 October
Thai dinner and visit with my mom
Today I am grateful that I have the support to be able to do that
2 October
Dinner and going over things with a friend
Today I am grateful that the older I get, the more clearly I see things and am able to communicate this to help others
1 October

School holidays
Today I am grateful that Granny took the girls to her house to allow me to mark exams
30 September
Family Day
Today I am grateful for my wonderful, fun-loving family
29 September
Lightbulb moment
Today I am grateful for a conversation I had with a more mature lady who made me see life, love and personal happiness from a different angle
28 September
Mariaan Roos committed suicide
Today I am grateful for having known Mariaan, the vibrant, caring and generous person that she was.
27 September
Taste of Joburg
Today I am grateful for wonderful tastes and great friends, new and old
26 September
Listening to music in the bath
Today I am grateful for my techno-awesome hubby
25 September
Happy Birthday to my oldest and dearest friend!
Today I am grateful for everlasting friendship
24 September
National Braai Day
Today I am grateful that I have a wonderful hubby who can braai up a storm. The ribs were AWESOME and the salad, delish
23 September
Lamb potjie
Today I am grateful for fun days kuier-ing with friends
22 September
Kids had a mom-less playdate
Today I am grateful for friends and hubby for looking after BL and T so that I could go and visit my mom
21 September
Had a great meeting
Today I am grateful for my flits into the corporate world and my ability to flit right back out again to be at home with my BLT
20 September
Tomato was "a pretty girl" in the concert
Today I am grateful that she pulled it off, she was so nervous
19 September
Tomato was up scratching and crying all night because of concert nerves
Today I am grateful that I could lie with her and not worry about work
18 September
Very grumpy children
Today I am grateful that I have Dot-the-domestic who looked after the tribe while I did a quick shop
17 September
Granny fetched the girls
Today I am grateful for the family support
16 September
Got to sleep in late
Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby
15 September
Party at Pecanwood for the Baby House - hit a massive water patch
Today I am grateful for my great car and hubby who is an advanced driver
14 September
Unexpected breakfast with a friend
Today I am grateful for friends who are helping me while they think I am helping them
13 September
Caught up on some much-needed sleep
Today I am grateful for my flexible work schedule
12 September
Social day - lunch with my mom, coffee and cake with Yvonne and Korma with 2 awesome friends
Today I am grateful for my life
11 September
Lettuce had to go to the GP
Today I am grateful that I was chosen to raise this gorgeous little boy
10 September
Dinner with an old friend
Today I am grateful for rekindled friendships that last 25 years plus
9 September
Got up did all the morning chores, got back into bed for half an hour
Today I am grateful for cuddling
8 September
Had too many things happening, felt overwhelmed
Today I am grateful that I am mature enough to change my life to make it simpler
7 September
Unexpected dinner at friends
Today I am grateful for fun with good friends
6 September
Today I am grateful for spring rain
5 September
Haircut and clothes shopping
Today I am grateful for a bit of me-time
4 September
I was so tired
Today I am grateful that I can pop into Aroma Cafe for a cappie
3 September
Today I am grateful that I didn't have to prepare a lecture
2 September
Afternoon at the new PPCs
Today I am grateful that we can afford such luxuries
1 Septmber
Spring Day
Today I am grateful for the warmer weather and the Spring buds, for movies, surprises, my awesome hubby and for my awesome couch
31 August
Dress up at school
Today I am grateful for my beautiful lady bug
31 December
This is my final post of my 10 months of gratitude. Sometimes it's been difficult to find the time to update this list but I persevered and looking back I am reminded of all the wonderful things in my life. Often we focus on everything that is going wrong in our lives (and there's always stuff going wrong) and we battle to see the wood for the trees. This post has really opened my eyes to what is good in my life - my friends and family and of course my wonderful hubby have come up often in my daily posts and I realise how blessed I am to be living the life I live, in this beautiful country, surrounded by such wonderful, caring people. It gives me a really different perspective looking back at my year and only seeing the positives!
Today I am grateful that I have 3 gorgeous, healthy children, a loving husband and everything I could ever wish for and in my "Book of LIfe" I have only recorded the good stuff!
30 December
Went to the Garden of Lights at Emperor's Palace
Today I am grateful that I felt the Christmas spirit
29 December
Braai at my brother
Today I am grateful that I have such a great family
28 December
Date night!!
Today I am grateful to my sister-in-law for babysitting while we got some time out
27 December
Lunch with 2 "old" school friends
Today I am grateful for Facebook that has brought us back together for some fabulous conversations
26 December
So tired!
Today I am grateful that my family took the girls swimming
25 December
Father Christmas was here!
Today I am grateful that I was able to bring such joy to my childern's faces
24 December
Christmas dinner at my house
Today I am grateful that we could all get together enjoy Christmas
23 December
Dorothy and the family arrived
Today I am grateful that the Aussie family could make it to us for Christmas
22 December
Today I am grateful for Aroma's coffee
21 December
Hubby on leave
Today I am grateful that Hubby's life will be a little less-stressed
20 December
Playdate at my house
Today I am grateful for good friends
19 December
Put up the tree
Today I am grateful for music, love and laughter
18 December
Play date
Today I am grateful that I'M ON HOLIDAY!!
17 December
Brunch at Aroma, shopping at Design Quarter and Monte for dinner
Today I am grateful that I got some Christmas shopping done
16 December
My nieces turn 2 today
Today I am grateful that my sister is able to enjoy the wonderment of motherhood. Happy Birthday girls!
15 December
My mom came to visit
Today I am grateful that my mom still helps me soo much
14 December
Afternoon with a buddy at Aroma
Today I am grateful for wonderful friends and orgasmic salads
13 December
I surprised hubby with a Mac Mini
Today I am grateful that the law of attraction actually works!
12 December
Breakfast with 2 friends (without my BLT)
Today I am grateful for my wonderful life
11 December
Prawns with hubby
Today I am grateful for awesome evenings
10 December
Set the final supp paper today
Today I am grateful that my leave is actually starting
9 December
Hubby took the kids
Today I am grateful that I could finish marking papers and submit them
8 December
Garry's birthday
Today I am grateful for the support system that we have in place to look after our brood so that we are able to go out with a friend on his birthday
7 December
Playdate with a friend who emigrated to Australia
Today I am grateful for strong bonds that don't perish
6 December
Tomato is bakerlady tomorrow
Today I am grateful that we got to bake cupcakes and ice them together. Both Tomato and Bacon had a ball
5 December
Christmas Carols at Bacon's school - adorable
Today I am grateful for my beautiful Bacon who performed like a star!
4 December
Dinner with our newest friends
Today I am grateful that we have met such awesome people who I know will be our friends for a long, long time.
3 December
Work at the factory
Today I am grateful that I have a job that I love
2 December
Little Lettuce took his first real steps today
Today I am grateful that I can watch this little person develop. I am grateful to be his mom
1 December
Hubby was working
Today I am grateful to Mema who came to help me with BLT while hubby was away
30 November
Afternoon at Aroma
Today I am grateful that I have such great friends who make me want to spend the whole day with them!
29 November
Work and gradulation
Today I am grateful that Grandpa picked up the girls and I got to finish my work. Also loved watching Tomato graduating.
28 November
Tomato and I went to the ophthalmologist
Today I am grateful that her glasses and patching is working. Her eye is almost at 100% woohoo
27 November
Hubby took the day off sick
Today I am grateful that after a relaxing day, he is on the mend
26 November
Hubby has an abcess in his ear
Today I am grateful that he got home safely after not feeling so great in the traffic
25 November
Swimming demonstration and certificates
Today I am grateful that my girls are swimming so well and that water safety is within reach
24 November
Yvonne's childrens' party
Today I am grateful that I didn't get water thrown over my head from the sagging gazebo (hee hee)
23 November
Aroma Cafe
Today I am grateful that my friends have such an awesome oasis in the middle of Fourways
22 November
Had a great meeting.
Today I am grateful for the high I get from gettting a project going and adding to the final outcome
21 November
I have had such an interesting project that culminated in the final report today, tomorrow I present.
Today I am grateful for all the opportunities that Aspen have given me and the fun I've had completing the work. Love it!!
20 November
Had such a huge headache
Today I am grateful for Myprodol and hubby who looked after me
19 November
Got my aircon fixed
Today I am grateful for AIRCON!!!!!
18 November
Today I am grateful that I didn't have to worry about anything. Everything was sorted while I worked.
17 November
Today I am grateful for my hubby the babysitter. 3 Kids is no mean feat!
16 November
Coffee with a long-lost friend
Today I am grateful that I can reconnect with friends and enjoy the flexibility of my job
15 November
Hubby's birthday
Today I am grateful that we can celebrate in style
14 November
Today I am grateful to be able to take my girls swimming and to watch the excitement on their faces
13 November
Dinner with Y
Today I am grateful for a hubby who wants the TV to himself, so will babysit on demand and for a great friend with whom to share strawberry daquiris and sushi - yum!
12 November
Love love love Bubbly chocolate
Today I am grateful that it was on special!
11 November
Home sweet home
Today I am grateful for my wonderful family (and Top Deck cake)
10 November
Research went well
Today I am grateful that I got to see more of this beautiful country I live in
9 November
Baking with the girls
Today I am grateful that we could have fun in the kitchen
8 NovemberRain
Today I am grateful for the wonderful clean smell that the rain brings
7 November
Tomato back at the Dermatologist
Today I am grateful for ice-cream and being able to help a friend who has helped me
6 November
Dinner at Monte
Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby who holds down the fort so I can help out a friend
5 November
Invigilating exams
Today I am grateful that there are no more lectures for the year - woohoo!
4 November
Business trip continued
Today I am grateful for a good session and a safe return to my wonderful family
3 November
Business trip
Today I am grateful that I travelled safely and that I got to run in the sea. Also for my friends who helped hubby with the kids the whole day.
2 November
Aroma Cafe
Today I am grateful for great food, great friends and great fun
1 November
Dinner with K
Today I am grateful that hubby is happy to look after the tots while I have yummy dinner with my friend
31 October
Today I am grateful for big hugs from little arms
30 October
Got keys to a friends place
Today I am grateful that I have such supportive people around me. This allowed me to hide out from the hail and not be so stressed on a Tuesday
29 October
Today I am grateful that Tomato's eczema is so much better
28 October
Dot-the-domestic took BLT to Sunday School for the first time
Today I am grateful for such a kind, loving soul as Dot
27 October
Today I am grateful for great friends and Amarula and the rain holding up for a few trick or treats
26 October
Party in the Park for Ta
Today I am grateful that I could get some work done while BLT were having a blast
25 October
Tomato showed me how to make "fireworkds"
Today I am grateful that I have such a gorgeous little scientist
24 October
Went to Monte with friends
Today I am grateful for fun that takes your mind off reality
23 October
Tomato had root canal and a tooth filled under anaesthetic
Today I am grateful for the awesome staff and that Tomato came through unscathed and had a great experience
22 October
Staying at my mom tonight because it's close to the clinic
Today I am grateful that I still have my mom in my and my children's lives
21 October
Had a blessing and birthday party for Lettuce
Today I am grateful that I had all my good friends and family under one roof
20 October
Kiddy party
Today I am grateful that I got to watch my girls have so much fun on the water-slide
19 October
My beautiful baby boy turned 1 today
Today I am grateful that he has been such a joy to our whole family and the easiest baby EVER! I feel so blessed. I'm grateful that my mom and friends came to share the day, I'm grateful that I could get him a great present, I'm grateful that we lit candles and I am grateful to have wonderful people in my life who will also share the joys of Lettuce's life
18 October
I felt a positive shift within me
Today I am grateful for the ability to re-design my life to serve me better. I am also grateful for great friends, new restaurants, fine wine and good steak!
17 October
Shopping with the girls
Today I am grateful to be able to spend such fun-filled days with my girls
16 October
Had a hectic, hectic day
Today I am grateful for my long-suffering husband, musical fountains and HUGE chocolate chip cookies
15 October
Shopping for the blessing
Today I am grateful that I found the perfect outfit for my beautiful little Lettuce
14 October
Took a friend out to breakfast for his birthday and loaned him a cell phone for his daughter
Today I am grateful that I could take time out to help a friend and then spend a wonderful afternoon with my family at a VERY relaxing spot
13 October
Went to a kiddy party
Today I am grateful for a great party, my wonderful friends and the wonderful SA weather to be able to chat until late, for my wonderful hubby and his best friend (hubby number 2) for babysitting Lettuce-the-Launchpad and for preparing the great spread that I came home to - ribs, kebabs, potato bake and steamed veg. Boy I'm spoiled!
12 October
Rainy day
Today I am grateful that I could snuggle up and watch a movie while the rain poured outside
11 October
Spent an hour instant messaging a friend
Today I am grateful that modern technology can allow me to LMAO over chat
10 October
Had fun
Today I am grateful that I can still laugh at life
9 October
Today I am grateful to Granny and Grampa for a sleep over
8 October
Today I am grateful for Tomato and Bacon's swimming lessons
7 October
Monte Bird Gardens
Today I am grateful to have a friend with a gold card
6 October
Today I am grateful that Lettuce's antibiotics are finished
5 October
No lectures
Today I am grateful for holidays!
4 October
Date Night!
Today I am grateful that hubby and I can still go out to a comedy club and laugh and cuddle and enjoy the live band - good evening
3 October
Thai dinner and visit with my mom
Today I am grateful that I have the support to be able to do that
2 October
Dinner and going over things with a friend
Today I am grateful that the older I get, the more clearly I see things and am able to communicate this to help others
1 October

School holidays
Today I am grateful that Granny took the girls to her house to allow me to mark exams
30 September
Family Day
Today I am grateful for my wonderful, fun-loving family
29 September
Lightbulb moment
Today I am grateful for a conversation I had with a more mature lady who made me see life, love and personal happiness from a different angle
28 September
Mariaan Roos committed suicide
Today I am grateful for having known Mariaan, the vibrant, caring and generous person that she was.
27 September
Taste of Joburg
Today I am grateful for wonderful tastes and great friends, new and old
26 September
Listening to music in the bath
Today I am grateful for my techno-awesome hubby
25 September
Happy Birthday to my oldest and dearest friend!
Today I am grateful for everlasting friendship
24 September
National Braai Day
Today I am grateful that I have a wonderful hubby who can braai up a storm. The ribs were AWESOME and the salad, delish
23 September
Lamb potjie
Today I am grateful for fun days kuier-ing with friends
22 September
Kids had a mom-less playdate
Today I am grateful for friends and hubby for looking after BL and T so that I could go and visit my mom
21 September
Had a great meeting
Today I am grateful for my flits into the corporate world and my ability to flit right back out again to be at home with my BLT
20 September
Tomato was "a pretty girl" in the concert
Today I am grateful that she pulled it off, she was so nervous
19 September
Tomato was up scratching and crying all night because of concert nerves
Today I am grateful that I could lie with her and not worry about work
18 September
Very grumpy children
Today I am grateful that I have Dot-the-domestic who looked after the tribe while I did a quick shop
17 September
Granny fetched the girls
Today I am grateful for the family support
16 September
Got to sleep in late
Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby
15 September
Party at Pecanwood for the Baby House - hit a massive water patch
Today I am grateful for my great car and hubby who is an advanced driver
14 September
Unexpected breakfast with a friend
Today I am grateful for friends who are helping me while they think I am helping them
13 September
Caught up on some much-needed sleep
Today I am grateful for my flexible work schedule
12 September
Social day - lunch with my mom, coffee and cake with Yvonne and Korma with 2 awesome friends
Today I am grateful for my life
11 September
Lettuce had to go to the GP
Today I am grateful that I was chosen to raise this gorgeous little boy
10 September
Dinner with an old friend
Today I am grateful for rekindled friendships that last 25 years plus
9 September
Got up did all the morning chores, got back into bed for half an hour
Today I am grateful for cuddling
8 September
Had too many things happening, felt overwhelmed
Today I am grateful that I am mature enough to change my life to make it simpler
7 September
Unexpected dinner at friends
Today I am grateful for fun with good friends
6 September
Today I am grateful for spring rain
5 September
Haircut and clothes shopping
Today I am grateful for a bit of me-time
4 September
I was so tired
Today I am grateful that I can pop into Aroma Cafe for a cappie
3 September
Today I am grateful that I didn't have to prepare a lecture
2 September
Afternoon at the new PPCs
Today I am grateful that we can afford such luxuries
1 Septmber
Spring Day
Today I am grateful for the warmer weather and the Spring buds, for movies, surprises, my awesome hubby and for my awesome couch
31 August
Dress up at school
Today I am grateful for my beautiful lady bug
30 August
I got a chicken salad for lunch
Today I am grateful for my gorgeous hubby, he spoils me
I got a chicken salad for lunch
Today I am grateful for my gorgeous hubby, he spoils me
29 August
Up all night with unhappy little campers
Today I am grateful for Dot-the-Domestic who took over Lettuce-watching duty so that I could catch up on some sleep
28 August
Lettuce has bronchiolitis
Today I am grateful that he is such a good little medicine-taker
27 August
Marked all my assignments
Today I am grateful that I have a quiet place to get my work done
26 August
Went to Aroma Cafe for lunch
Today I am grateful for my friend Yvonne and her hubby, who joined us for lunch and ended up eating cake for lunch with us instead! I love nutty people!
25 August
Today I am grateful for payday!
24 August
Sneaked away from mommydom to have coffee with my secret lover
Today I am grateful to be able to have clandestine meetings ;-)
23 August
Last day of hectic 6 hour lectures
Today I am grateful for K&G who took us to a little piece of heaven where we had awesome wine and Nutella crepe suzettes
22 August
Mom not feeling well
Today I am grateful that she found a GP who was kind and caring and someone who she trusts
21 August
Lettuce went to sleep at 5pm and woke up at 11pm for a bottle
Today I am grateful that he didn't wake up in the middle of the night wanting a big dinner!!!
20 August
Mom went to the pulmonologist today
Today I am grateful that Mom is going to be ok and that we still have her in our lives
19 August
Rushing around
Today I am grateful for breakfast in bed, an understanding family and for Aroma Cafe
18 August
Had a bad day.
Today I am grateful that I could spend some time with my friend in hospital and my mom
17 August
Date night and prawns!!
Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby
16 August
Went out for dinner to celebrate my birthday with my friends. Red Velvet Cake, strawberry daiquiris, good food and great conversation and a google search for a certain BP!! OMW!!!
Today I am grateful again for my AWESOME friends
15 August
Wow perhaps I overestimated the amount of available time I have to take on extra work!
Today I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given
14 August
Hectic day again - what happened to working flexi-time, more like "all-the-time"
Today I am grateful that Mom was discharged from hospital and is going to be ok
13 August
Cancel appointments, sort out Discovery, send endless messages, reply to messages, check on mom, finalise lectures, feed Lettuce, catch vomit, do lecture, buy cake, home, make dinner, go to mom's house to collect stuff, go to hospital, go home, do prep for 2 new lectures that start tomorrow
Today I am grateful for my multitasking abilities
12 August
Mom to casualty - heart failure / heart attack
Today I am grateful that she is going to be ok
11 August
Tea and cake at Aroma
Today I am grateful for my mom who battled to walk but still came with us
10 August
Went to Granny and Grandpa for dinner
Today I am grateful for such a great support system
9 August
Opening of Aroma Cafe
Today I am grateful that I can help my friends realise their dream
8 August
Baking in the cemetery
Today I am grateful that I can do something important for my great friends
7 August
It snowed!!
Today I am grateful that I could fetch Tomato (Bacon was sick) and Mema and find snow to play in!!
6 August
Everyone is sick except me!
Today I am grateful for my good health
5 August
Slept until 10am!
Today I am grateful for a hands-on-dad hubby
4 August
Went to an awesome "beach volleyball" kiddy party
Today I am grateful for new experiences
3 August
Busy busy day
Today I am grateful that I could sleep later than usual, talk to Tomato's teacher, catch up with a friend quickly, get frames for Tomato, take Lettuce to the Dr, visit my mom and still get home in time to tuck my girls in and read them a story
2 August
Met a friend after work
Today I am grateful that I have such great friends with such great new ventures
1 August
Sent hubby to have some "me-time" and he comes back with a present for me!
Today I am grateful for my awesome hubby
31 July
Lettuce had an EEG
Today I am grateful for my beautiful little boy
30 July
Had dinner with a great friend
Today I am grateful to have such a wonderful group of friends
29 July
Tomato has to wear an eye patch and started today
Today I am grateful that we have the technology available to identify this early to ensure she has the best vision possible
28 July
I had to work this morning
Today I am grateful that hubby is such a hands-on dad
27 July
Lettuce went to casualty for "partial fits"
Today I am grateful that he is a healthy little boy who is so loved that we will get through anything, no matter what is causing this as well as for all the family and friends who supported us through this horrible day.
26 July
Went out with great friends for a great dinner
Today I am grateful for such a great support system
25 July
Tomato has bad eczema. Today a wonderful man drove to me and dropped off a whole bunch of zinc product for me to try without asking for anything in return.
Today I am grateful for random acts of kindness
24 July
Tomato needs glasses and has to wear a patch
Today I am grateful for vision
23 July
I got home and Lettuce just looked sooo cute!
Today I am grateful that I have such a beautiful precious baby
22 July
My mom and Al came round for the day - Al brought choc croissants
Today I am grateful that hubby has such a great friend and my mom can visit us
21 July
Helped a friend cut his hair!! That's a first!
Today I am grateful that I can make even a small difference in people's lives
20 July
My car went in for a service
Today I am grateful that we can borrow Grandpa's spare car!
19 July
Today I am grateful that I don't have to start lecturing today as expected
18 July
Helped at the Aspen Mandela Day
Today I am grateful for the privileged life I lead
17 July
Had a meeting in Braamfontein
Today I am grateful that I have GPS
16 July
Had coffee with a friend
Today I am grateful that my life is flexible
15 July
Drove home from the berg
Today I am grateful that we got home safely
14 July
Awesome, awesome food
Today I am grateful for the abundance of good food in my life
13 July
Hubby had massage
Today I am grateful that we can enjoy the money we work so hard to earn
12 July
Back, neck and foot massage
Today I am grateful to have had such a wonderful treatment in such wonderful surroundings
11 July
Sylvia the baby sitter?
Today I am grateful that I live in SA and have such wonderful support
10 July
Got an extra 2 hours sleep with Lettuce
Today I am grateful that I have such an awesome hubby who spoils me
9 July
Wow what a great place
Today I am grateful that we met Sylvia who loves Lettuce
8 July
Drove to The Cavern
Today I am grateful that we had a safe journey
7 July
So organised, all the kids clothes are packed for holiday tomorrow
Today I am grateful for Dot-the-domestic
6 July
A friend of a friend passed away today leaving her 10 year old son to be put into the foster care system
Today I am so very grateful for all my family and friends and specially my hubby and children whom I love with all my heart
5 July
Long day working
Today I am grateful for the completely different jobs I have and the challenges I get from each
4 July
Fun meeting at the factory - K turned 50!
Today I am grateful for the wonderful job that I have and the wonderful people that I work with
3 July
Forgot my friend Hie's birthday so took her out
Today I am grateful for forgiving friends
2 July
After spending a lot of time with family over the past 5 days, work has taken a bit of a back seat
Today I am grateful that my 10 am meeting was cancelled so I could get stuck into my work
1 July
Dorothy left for Oz
Today I am grateful that we got to spend some really great time together and I had a great dinner out, just me and my mom
30 June
Mom, Dorothy and Lollypop's birthday. Mom turned 80
Today I am grateful for my mom
29 June
Left out a key ingredient in my recipe!!
Today I am grateful for support and a cappachino when I needed it most
28 June
Had a lie in and then spend an awesome loooong lunch with Dorothy and my mom while the kids played
Today I am grateful for family
27 June
Dorothy arrived from Oz
Today I am grateful that Dorothy could come over for my mom's special birthday
26 June
Busy day
Today I am grateful that I found balance between work, family and fun
25 June
My baby Bacon turned 4
Today I am grateful for having had the most fantastic 4 years of raising this beautiful little girl
24 June
Girls made breakfast in bed for a belated Father's Day
Today I am grateful that I have such kind-hearted little girls who love their daddy
23 June
Went to visit my mom
Today I am grateful that my mom is still alive and so sprightly
22 June
Drove to get a newspaper for Lettuce
Today I am grateful for kind "old" friends who I haven't seen in 21 years!
21 June
Got to my meeting in Pretoria without a problem
Today I am grateful for my GPS
20 June
I learnt of a casualty at our factory
Today I am grateful that the staff have an excellent boss who manages beyond the company and serves the needs of its people
19 June
The start of making a profound impact on society
Today I am grateful that the first meeting went off well
18 June
After working until 1.30am again
Today I am grateful that I could sleep for another 2 hours after the girls went to school
17 June - Father's Day
I miss my dad and wish he could have met my children
Today I am grateful that I had 20 great years with him.
16 June
The party was a huge success
Today I am grateful that my little girls had a wonderful party
15 June
Worked until 4am getting party stuff ready
Today I am grateful for hubby who just rolls with the punches and does all the hair-brained things that I come up with!
14 June
After being up all night I crashed at 9pm
Today I am grateful that I have such an awesome hubby who just takes over when I can't
13 June
I stayed up with a friend all night
Today I am grateful that I can make a positive impact on someone's life
12 June
Rushing around day preparing for the party
Today I am grateful that I can spend fun shopping time with my children
11 June
Last night a man lost his life at a Spar a few suburbs away
Today I am grateful that my family are home, safely tucked up in their beds
10 June
Hubby took the girls for 3 hours to a new shopping centre so that I could help a friend with an awesome business opportunity
Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby who always puts his family's needs before his own. Boy did I score!
9 June
I made cake pops for the first time
Today I am grateful that I can do fun new things with my family
8 June
Phew! Hectic day rushing around and then took Tomato to her first soccer game
Today I am grateful for kind strangers who bought my little girl a boerie roll when mom didn't have any cash
7 June
A friend is lending me her cake pop pan
Today I am grateful for the awesome friends I have
6 June
I had red velvet cake for brekkie
Today I am grateful for good friends and gooood cake
5 June
Had an early morning meeting
Today I am grateful that I don't have to get up and look presentable every morning
4 June
Today I am grateful that Fluffy was found, unharmed a few houses away
3 June
Went out for dinner at the new PPCs
Today I am grateful that we can afford these luxuries
2 June
I walked into a Chevron on the way to Tickey Morning
Today I am grateful that my sunglasses smashed but saved my eye
1 June
My little girl turned 6 today.
Today I am grateful for such a fun-loving, unspoilt, kind-hearted, beautiful little girl
31 May
My poppits all slept through the night.
Today I am grateful for 6½ hours straight of sleep *bliss*
30 May
I baked Tomato's birthday cake
Today I am grateful for all the support I get. From hubby, that I can stay at home and do this, from Mema who I can phone at a moment's notice to get a recipe without oil because I'd run out and business info from Dorothy all the way from Oz.
29 May
Today I got my lecturer evaluations. I got 80-something %
Today I am grateful that all my efforts are paying off and the students enjoy my class
28 May
Today was my last lecture of one of my subjects until August
Today I am so grateful for the break
27 May
Had a bit of a mishap with Lettuce's fever meds
Today I am grateful for wonderful friends who are pharmacists and nothing is too much effort to help me. I am blessed.
26 May
Tomato is desperate for a pet. On FB a friend was looking for a home for their bunny. It went to someone else and we were disappointed.
Today I am grateful that when the lady heard how disappointed we were, she offered to give us the bunny.
25 May
Awesome evening celebrating a friend's birthday. The food was fantastic and it was great to be amongst bootcampers again.
Today I am grateful that I have Lettuce and I will get back into shape when I can. I'm in love with my little boy, he was so worth it.
24 May
Sat and chatted to my party-planner friend for most of the afternoon while the kids played.
Today I am grateful for awesome girlfriends
23 May
Went out for dinner with 2 awesome friends
Today I am grateful for great friends and Nutella-filled crepe Suzettes mmmmm
22 May
Last night all 3 kids were up at one point of the night or another.
Today I am grateful that I could climb back into my warm bed and sleep undisturbed after the girls left for school
21 May
Discovered Rolo Slabs
Today I am grateful for new innovations mmmm
20 May
It's party time!
Today I am grateful that Grandpa has a colour printer!
19 May
Went out for a steak
Today I am grateful that we can just go and get a steak when we don't feel like cooking
18 May
Hubby sick.
Today I am grateful for all the things that hubby normally does but couldn't do
17 May
After late nights and pretty much all-nighters with sick children
Today I am grateful that I could go back to bed for a couple of hours
16 May
Baby Lettuce is sick and is battling to sleep
Today I am grateful that he's over the worst and smiling and even sat today
15 May
I still felt sick today but had a meeting to go to and fetching and carrying and swimming and and and.....
Today I am grateful that when Tomato and Bacon begged me to watch 101 Dalmations with them, I just made us tea (and me coffee) and got biltong and chocolate and snuggled up under their duvet on the couch and watched it from start to finish - bliss!
14 May
Hectic day, rushing to lecture and then rushing to fetch the kids and rushing back to lecture all while coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose.
Today I am grateful for 3 things - Grandparents who fetch and carry, for good friends who aren't offended by me dumping them on the day that we were supposed to go out and for a hubby that brings me chicken soup and medicine in bed when I crash at 7pm
13 May
Mother's day
Today I am grateful that I still have my Mom with me and that I am a Mom so it's my day too!
12 May
Hubby and I had to go to the bank so we took Lettuce with us.
Today I am grateful for Dot for taking the girls to the park so that hubby and I could have a wonderful brunch
11 May
It was Mother's Day at Tomato's school and the children sang and we had a picnic
Today I am grateful that I can spend time with my children
10 May
I had a jam-packed day that ended with a girls dinner.
Today I am grateful for having wonderful friends
9 May
I was offered a job as Media Liaison Officer for lobbying against the government on an issue close to my heart.
Today I am grateful for all opportunities that are afforded to me even if the scare me to death!
8 May
Our geyser overflow valve was leaking and we had to call a plumber
Today I am grateful for hot water on tap
7 May
My PC died on me today leaving me without my prepared lecture
Today I am grateful for my hubby the IT GENIUS who implemented automatic back-up so I only lost 24 hours of work - mwah!
6 May
We took the kids to our favorite kiddy-friendly restaurant and play area. They had a ball and hubby and I got to spend some cuddle-time with Lettuce and some good food and coffee.
Today I am grateful that we are fortunate enough to be able to go out and do what we did tonight, such a great, relaxing start to the new week!
5 May
Hubby went to help his folks and Mema came to visit and keep me company with the tots.
Today I am grateful that Mema is in my and my children's lives x
4 May
Looking at old photos with my mom today I saw a photo of her beautiful older brother who passed away at 11 month. He was beautiful. My mom shared the following quote with me that had been sent to my Gran at the time of his death "an angel, in the book of life, wrote down an infant's birth, then whispered as she closed the book - too beautiful for Earth." We were both in tears.
Today I am grateful that I have my mom to laugh and cry with and my beautiful baby boy who reminds me so much of my baby Uncle Billy
3 May
Went to the opening of Nicol Way Shopping Centre.
Today I am grateful for all the bargains I got and the fun I had with other customers getting a bargain (and all) hee hee love it!
2 May
Had a life-coaching session where I sorted out all the to-do's on my to-do list - woohoo
Today I am grateful that I can help a friend obtain her life-coaching qualification and also for the wonderful people that the universe sends my way, especially friends like this
1 May
Went to a braai at Yvonne's house and we had a wonderful rib braai and tons of great conversation
Today I am grateful for new friends
30 April
Went out for brekkie with K and G
Today I am grateful for wonderful "old" friends
29 April
A school friend of mine lost her sister in a racing accident yesterday. My heart breaks for her and her mom.
Today I am grateful that I have all of my siblings
28 April
Had my car washed inside and out
Today I am grateful that I have such an awesome hubby who touched up the mistakes that the car company missed xx
27 April
Hubby got the new iPad
Today I am grateful that I get the old one!!
26 April
Tomato lost her first tooth
Today I am grateful for being the guide in this beautiful soul's life
25 April
Took the girls shopping
Today I am grateful that I can afford the warm school uniforms that my little girl needs
24 April
Had another late night
Today I am grateful that I am able to get some extra morning shut-eye when the tots are at school and Lettuce is snoozing
23 April
Hubby was uploading heaven-knows-what onto my new cell phone in his office. He told me to get my phone cos he left it there but actually he just wanted to surprise me.
Today I am grateful for the luminous purple cover I got as a surprise from hubby. I love it!
22 April
Dot my domestic worker needs to go to the doctor tomorrow.
Today I am grateful that Grandpa and Meema agreed to look after my babies while I lecture
21 April
We had a half-birthday party for Lettuce
Today I am grateful for the past 6 months
20 April
I picked up the girls and we went shopping for party stuff
Today I am grateful to be able to spend time making fudge during the day with my girls
19 April
My darling Lettuce turned 6 months old today
Today I am grateful for the privilege of raising this beautiful soul
18 April
Got a new laptop from work. By mistake I left my tiny mouse in my old laptop bag. When I got the new bag my mouse was there!
Today I am grateful for honest people (and getting an new laptop yeeha)
17 April
I am helping a friend earn her Life Coach stripes. She has helped me realise that I am a finisher which I didn't realise (not always a good thing being a finisher).
Today I am grateful that I have this great person in my life and that she has helped me discover this flaw.
16 April
I was the only audience member (ok Lettuce was also there) witnessing a puppet show production by Tomato and Bacon. Tomato was in charge and every few seconds Bacon would poke her head round and say "shhhhh" like I was being very noisy! I was even supplied snacks (2 flings in a glass container).
Today I am grateful for the magical moments of childhood that I get to experience with my little girls.
15 April
Bacon went to the local entertainment centre with Daddy today on a Date-with-Daddy. She loved it!
Today I am grateful for the world's best hubby! Nothing makes a mommy's heart happier than her child's glowing face and today it was Daddy that made her so happy :-)
14 April
The girls went to the park and played with friends, then we went to a friend's 2 year old birthday party and Tomato got to ride a horse and play with her friends while Bacon, obsessed with scooters, rode the scooter course all day.
Today I am grateful for my life, my friends and hubby who took Lettuce shopping while we partied!
13 April
Today I heard that a colleague of mine had a real breakdown due to stress. He collapsed, had to be carried to his office and was battling to breathe. My heart goes out to him.
Today I am grateful that I have the wonderful opportunity to work on projects, be energized by work, get excited and passionate and get enormous fulfillment without the huge responsibility of people-management, divisional strategy planning and budgeting.
12 April
Bacon has my sense of humor
Today I am grateful that I have a beautiful little girl that makes me laugh at her infectious laugh!
11 April
Long work day
Today I am grateful for Woolies prepared meals arriving in the fridge unannounced :-)
10 April
Lettuce is teething and woke up every 20 minutes screaming
Today I am grateful for the easy time I have had so far with this beautiful little boy
9 April
Tomato had a date-with-daddy
Today I am grateful for the time I had with Bacon alone to reconnect, chat and just giggle.
8 April
Happy Easter
Today I am grateful for chocolate!!
7 April
Went to Feastt
Today I am grateful for awesome food - well done G!
6 April
Tomato and Bacon had a sleepover at Meema
Today I am grateful for Meema and the wonderful part she plays in their lives
5 April
Ran out of formula and couldn't get to the shop
Today I am grateful for kind friends - thanks Karyn
4 April
Completed a lot of work.
Today I am grateful for my understanding children
3 April
I had such a hectic day.
Today I am grateful for my delicious dinner being made and presented to me. Thanks 22/7!
2 April
Played soccer with the girls at home this arvie
Today I am grateful that I work flexi-time
1 April
Had a wonderful braai at a friends house.
Today I am grateful for friends old and new
31 March
I lost an old friend exactly one year ago today
Today I am grateful to have known Ryan Vine
30 March
I worked for a few hours, shopped for a few hours, played with the girls and just sat and watched Lettuce sleeping on my chest and then went on date night with hubby.
Today I am grateful that I got the balance right
29 March
School holidays. I took the girls to play.
Today I am grateful for the awesome carrot cake I had today!
28 March
Got a great project from work, something that I am very passionate about.
Today I am grateful that I can be a part of this new launch that will help so many mothers
27 March
Had a great facial.
Today I am grateful that I am still able to spoil myself
26 March
Went to see a numerologist for fun and really enjoyed it.
Today I am grateful for new avenues that open my mind to new possibilities.
25 March
Lazy Sunday.
Today I am grateful for old favourite restaurants like PPCs
24 March
Dinner with the in-laws - good conversation and great food.
Today I am grateful for the delicious crepe Suzette that I had for pudding - yum!
23 March
School holidays
Today I am grateful for our awesome park, the kids love playing in the river
22 March
I went out for dinner with 3 new colleagues who shared their personal lives which included affairs and internet dating.
Today I am grateful for the wonderful relationship I have with my hubby and how he spoils me every day without me always realising how spoiled I actually am!
21 March
15 Years ago I said "I do" to the most amazing person in my life.
Today I am grateful for investing 15 years with the love of my life.
20 March
Bacon was in the Easter Hat Parade at school and looked adorable in the hat that her dad and I put together at the last minute.
Today I am grateful to be the mommy of such a gorgeous little girl.
19 March
Lettuce is 5 months old today. Where does the time go?
Today I am grateful to have this delicious little boy in my life.
18 March
Went for a walk to our park with the family.
Today I am grateful for the awesome facilities we have in our estate and also for the beautiful flowing river that is so calming and majestic.
17 March
I tasted chocolate hot cross buns for the first time - woohoo!
Today I am grateful for new innovations and a hubby who is an innovator!
16 March
I met up with 3 friends today for coffee
Today I am grateful for old and new friends and for the ability to talk to my friends about absolutely anything. Thanks ladies!
15 March
It was cold and rainy this morning and I had had 3½ hours sleep.
Today I am grateful for Dot my Domestic Worker who took over baby duties after the girls had left for school and allowed me to sleep for another 3 hours - bliss!!
14 March
Today I took a friend of mine to drop off some old clothes at The Baby House (a place of safety). I was reminded again how lucky I am to have my life.
Today I am grateful that I grew up with my nuclear family intact and that I can provide a similar sense of love and security for my children.
13 March
Hubby and I went to a parent-teacher evening with Tomato's teacher. She told us that T is very advanced and is way ahead of where the other children are and altho the school frowns upon it, we should start teaching her to read and write at home to increase her stimulation.
Today I am grateful for Tomato, not only for the loving, well mannered and eloquent little girl that I am privileged to be guiding through life, but also for her being blessed with the ability to grasp concepts quickly, as this makes life in the schooling system, a lot easier.
12 March
Today Bacon rushed up to me, gave me a big hug and said "I love you soooo much."
Today I am grateful to be loved unconditionally
11 March
Had a lazy Sunday at home. Finished my puzzle, flew kites again, watched a movie and ate red velvet cake.
Today I am grateful that I have friends who pop in for a quick cuppa and bring divine cake with them.
10 March
A friend of mine's cousin passed away today after a long battle with cancer. She leaves behind a loving husband and 3 young daughters. Her family are understandably devastated.
Today I am grateful for each new day that I have with my family and for each day that my children have a mother and father to love them and look after them. RIP Hannelie
9 March
Tomato woke up in the late evening itching from her exema. I put cream on for her and put her back into bed. I was halfway down the stairs when she called me again. I turned around to go back to her and she just put her arms out and gave me a monstrous hug.
Today I am grateful for my lovely Tomato
8 March
Our good friends K&G took us out for dinner. For pudding we had crepe Suzettes with Nutella and homemade ice cream.
Today I am grateful for delicious food and great company
7 March
Unprompted, Bacon and Tomato told me what they loved about me today. From looking after them and giving them snacks to spoiling them and playing with them, I felt truly blessed.
Today I am grateful for my grateful children who can verbalize such wonderful thoughts
6 March
I have made such a good friend recently who has been unbelievably kind to me and my family. Last week we took delivery of their old Wendy house. The look on the girls' faces when they saw it in the garden was priceless.
Today I am grateful for new friends, in particular Y.
5 March
Today I got up early to give Bacon her medication and nebulise her. I suddenly realized that even though she is prone to lung issues, she hasn't had one in a while and there are so many sick children in the world.
Today I am grateful for the general good health of my family.
4 March
Today I had a huge amount of work to do and I was running out of time. Hubby kindly offered to take the girls to Granny and Grandpa so that I could get some work done while only having to look after baby Lettuce. I had a wonderful day playing with Lettuce and also got all my work done by the time they got back home.
Today I am grateful for a wonderfully supportive hubby.
3 March
mom often comes to visit on the weekends and I always tell her to stop
washing up, leave it. But against my wishes and without me noticing she
washed 3 of Luke's bottles which I really only noticed now at 12am when
I had to start doing it myself, washing, sterilizing etc. Now half the
job is done for me!
Today I am grateful for having a wonderful mom who doesn't listen to me.
2 March
Today I reconnected with an "old" school friend and it was like we had seen each other last month, only with a LOT more catching up to do. We've agreed to make it a little bit more regular.
Today I am grateful for having such great "old" friends.
Today I reconnected with an "old" school friend and it was like we had seen each other last month, only with a LOT more catching up to do. We've agreed to make it a little bit more regular.
Today I am grateful for having such great "old" friends.
1 March 2012
Our water was cut off from early this morning and is still not on at 9pm. I've often said I can do without electricity (we have gas) but I can't do without water so.....
Today I am grateful for running water.
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