Oh boy is Easter an exciting time in our home! Just the thought of chocolate eggs and
bunnies drive Tomato and Bacon wild with anticipation. Then add in Hot Cross Buns (and the new
chocolate chip ones) and you have a recipe for a sugar-induced, hyperactive weekend.

The stores have been marketing their Easter goodies since February so
the girls have been counting the sleeps to when the Easter bunny would bounce
through their garden depositing various yummy treats for them to find.
The long weekend started off extremely well with Meema (Grandma
pronounced by a 1 year old Tomato and the name stuck) having the 2 girls over
for a sleep-over. The girls were so
excited but nobody was more excited than Hubby and me! Hubby even got up for the 3am feed
woohoo!! We then got to shop for Easter
eggs with only a baby (what are new parents on about? One infant in a pram, One child waking up at
night and One child needing breakfast (a quick bottle) and then going back to
sleep! Well it was pure bliss. Then more bliss followed as choc chip Hot Cross Buns were hand delivered to us on the couch by Meema (probably thanking us for coming to collect our tots - hee hee). BTW interesting security system American
Swiss have going on at the Mall, when the alarm is activated smoke begins to
pour out of the store, coupled with a strobe light (to induce jewelry-thief
epilepsy I assume) wowee I felt like I should get down and boogie, before I
realized it was a security breach! The sign on the door does state that in the
event of alarm activation a “smoke cloak” will be set in motion – ooooh a smoke cloak, exciting
Easter Saturday
On Saturday we went for lunch with fab friends at feastt in Parktown
North where I just happen to know the chef (yes I am
name-dropping because one day he’ll be famous and I want people to know that I
know famous people – watch this space…).
Anyway the food was to die for - if you haven’t been there yet, get your
butt over there and ask for my dessert (yes I have a dessert named after me –
see how I surreptitiously managed to mention that too? I truly rock :-) Anyhoo in a similar incident (okay not really) when the builder needed paint colors
for our house I couldn’t decide on an existing color so eventually I made my
own color which is called…… wait for it….. Lisa (I know, how original, but I
never forget it when I need more) but paint never really floated my boat but now I also have something close to my
heart named after me, yes, chocolate.
When you go there ask for the Lisa Chocolate Torte – go on, don’t just
stand there, go and order one! But let
me first warn you, it’s not for sissies, if you’re the type that opens up a
slab of chocolate and has one block and puts the rest away for another day,
this dessert is NOT for you, but order it anyway, have your one spoon, say “oh
my this is so rich” and bring the rest for me – ok? Sorted. PS - If you ask for the Sarah Chocolate Torte you'll probably also get the same thing but just humor me ;-)
Easter Sunday
Okay, I must admit and yes, you probably guessed it already, I am the
Easter bunny (shhhh don’t tell anyone). Any parent with more than one child will
understand the one and only rule of the hunt – at the end, we put all our eggs
into one basket (ha ha yes this does ring a bell) and we share all findings
equally amongst the egg hunters (and a few for the basket holder).
In previous years the girls were smaller and less observant so it was
quite easy to manipulate the Easter egg hunt.
I would purchase a small box of marshmallow eggs and hide them around
the garden with a few small bunnies. The
girls would find an egg and race to show me and put it in the communal big
basket. I quickly realized that a box of
eggs didn’t go very far with 2 children rampantly looking, so to prolong the
excitement, while the girls were hunting in the bushes, Dad would grab a
handful of already discovered eggs out of my basket and re-hide them. I know, very sneaky but this led to many more
exciting discoveries and the shrieks of excitement were just divine for us parents
and when it came to the sharing part nobody noticed that there were a lot fewer
eggs in the basket than were actually retrieved. Everyone was happy, okay well maybe not the
neighbors, but maybe they don't like sleeping in on public holiday Sundays, you never know ;-)
But Tomato is getting close to 6 years old and prides herself on her
counting abilities and she has also inherited some chocaholic tendencies, so this
year I had to revert to the normal Easter hunt being "what you find, you actually
get". So I nipped downstairs while the
girls were distracted upstairs with the iPod and The Big iPod (the iPad) and I
quickly hid the eggs. Bacon got distracted by the pop-up chicken inside a plastic egg, so Tomato found most of the chocolate ones. The girls were
delighted that the bunny had been within their reach and eaten one of their home-grown tomatoes that they had left for him! They smashed 3 eggs before I managed to step
in and reason with them that they need to eat breakfast before resuming the chocolate buffet. Bacon agreed and promptly ordered chocolate
Pronutro for breakfast!! Seriously I don’t know where
they get this gene from!!
After the home-hunt it was lunch with Granny and Grandpa and the bunny
had visited there too, so by last night Bacon and Tomato were over-sugared and shattered.
Easter Monday
Today was date-with-daddy day so Tomato was up bright and early (much to
our horror) and dressed to go out to the Planetarium with Daddy (she loves planets and space and of course spending time with Daddy). They had a wonderful day seeing planets and
eating ice cream and I had a wonderful day with the 2 littlies. It hits home when you realize that you hardly
hear the little one’s voice because Tomato is always so much louder and
dominates the conversation, so it was nice to just chat to Bacon with Lettuce
gurgling quietly in the background - wait until he starts talking - yikes!
In the mall, a very kind, rather good-looking guy offered to help me as
I was pushing the pram with one hand and the trolley, with Bacon in it, with
the other. I refused saying that it was
easier than it looked and he looked like he didn’t believe me, but he didn’t know that this
was actually a piece of cake. Seriously
it was. I wasn’t having to break up a
fight between who’s leg was touching whose arm in the trolley, or trying to
find “the walking/ running away from me, daughter” while doing this same trolley/ pram-maneuver so
I was actually having a relaxed day, but only other 3-children parents would
have the keen eye to pick up on this and realize that this was indeed,

All-in-all a FABULOUS weekend!
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