All my New Year Resolutions are related to my new Earthing adventure which you can find on Earthing with my BLT so I won't go into them again here.
I am often asked by people why my blogs are posted so late at night or in the early hours of the morning and the reason is as follows - I started blogging because I am a frustrated writer and I thought this would give me an outlet to all those wonderful thoughts [yes they are wonderful, intelligent and mind-blowingly interesting] that fill my head from time-to-time. So maybe some bloggers do, but I don't actually sit down and think "what should I write on my blog today?" To be honest I don't even think about it and the thoughts start circulating sub-consciously (wooooo) and then they start permeating into my conscious mind and then they start interrupting my other thoughts (yes, I have other thoughts!) and suddenly it all comes together in my head and I HAVE to write it down or I'll explode! So I type like a madman until everything is down and I'm happy that everything has been unleashed from my over-active mind, making space for the new (awesome) thought that is bound to start sooner than later.
For example I went out to dinner last week with some fabulous girl friends and we had so much fun. But I was asked the inevitable question "what is my purpose?" and then it all hit me at once that so many people don't understand how easy it can be and how they over-complicate everything, so I had to get it "out there" and out of my head! If you haven't read it, check it out On Purpose and put that whole searching thing behind you, your purpose is not one big thing waiting for you!
Why am I telling you this? Well I have been helping a friend with writing his new book and Hubby has already written about 10 children's stories that will be published this quarter (how exciting). With all this creative writing going on around me, I feel that I should start the book that has been milling in the background of my mind for years. [because with 3 small children aged 7 and below I have plenty of free time *not*.] The next issue is that I have no real idea what it is going to be about. I have some vague ideas....
I was going to write short stories about happenings in my life that people literally won't believe are true and I was going to call it WTF (Mom, that stands for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) [eeeeek forgot that my mom is a closet blog reader, better keep it clean]. Anyway the title WTF has been taken - dammit! (I mean, WTF?) so I am back to the drawing board. So maybe 2014 will inspire me to write something worthwhile instead of just splurging all my thoughts (as wonderful as they are) onto this blog, we'll see. I'm putting it out there hoping my sub-conscious will start doing its thing and that I will actually start writing (with purpose). Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.
Along with the new year came new beginnings - Grade 0 and a school uniform for Bacon (boy was she excited!) and Grade 2 for Tomato! Little Lettuce is still at home with me, he is soooo adorable and sooo wants to go "in da car" with the girls in the mornings. Bacon was a bit scared but on the day she hardly looked up to wave goodbye *sniff snitff*. Tomato was very nervous and we were a couple of minutes late so when we got there, her name was called (lucky we're at the end of the alphabet!) and she was whisked off to her class. She didn't look too happy but it saved the clinging drama. Hubby and I went for breakfast and we actually managed to hold it together.
I fetched Bacon first. I arrived and she was playing with her classmates, neat as a pin, her hair in the ponytail and her uniform looking as if she'd just put it on. She was FULL of the joys of spring! She LOVED her lunch in her new lunch box and her new water bottle. She LOVED her teacher and her classmates, she LOVED her new uniform and cute black shoes and she had a WONDERFUL day! She raced me to the car. My heart wanted to burst with happiness for her. She arrived home and without asking, she went upstairs, took her uniform off and laid it neatly on her bed and changed into play clothes. An hour and a half later we went to fetch Tomato......
Tomato had a face like THUNDER! She was barefoot, her hair was down (I have never had a hair band returned from school - ever!) and her shirt was pulled out of her skirt. She flopped into the car almost in tears. Her day was TERRIBLE, the worst day of her life [no, she's not a drama queen at all]. She HATED her teacher "why do I always get the bossy teachers with the pointy noses?" she wailed. She HATED her classmates and her classroom and NOBODY played with her at break time. She got home, flung her bag down and sobbed into her hands. When she'd been home for about an hour and seemed to have cooled off, I gently asked her to please change out of her new uniform. She screamed "FINE" and ripped her uniform off in the kitchen and flung the various clothing items in different directions and stormed off. Hoo boy! I've said it before and I'll say it again, parenting is a roller coaster ride - NOT for sissies!!

On my side I have reduced my lecturing to focus more on the consulting and mentoring and I have a great idea that I think will be awesome, I'm just doing my homework (it's buzzing around my mind, so we'll see how that goes!)
So we're off to a fantastic start! We had better hold onto our hats because it's going to be a fast, exciting and bumpy ride towards 2015!!
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